Test your English for online meetings and conference calls

Online meetings and conference calls have become the new normal in these difficult times of self-isolation. This can be quite stressful if you are not used to working that way. Even video calls have their limitations and often end up as sound-only meetings. When your presence at a meeting is reduced to just your voice, new demands are placed on your level of English.
Effective communication requires that you contribute and interject smoothly, which can be very challenging in another language. Smooth linking and common niceties can also be difficult to manage for non-native speakers. You can test yourself by seeing how well you cope with the situations below.
How good is your English?
1. You’ve had two minutes of small talk as people settle down and check in, and now want to start the meeting. You say…
2. You want to thank people for participating. You say…
3. A participant asks ‘How are you? ’. You say….
4. A participant says ‘Tom sends his regards.’ You say…
5. A participant says something you do not understand. You say….
6. A participant says something you do not hear properly. You say….
7. A participant is late joining the call and explains that she was delayed in another meeting. You say…
8. A participant asks if he can interject. You say…
9. A couple of participants have been talking for a long time about something not relevant to the agenda item. You say…
10. You would like to draw the meeting to a close. You say…
Unsure of the right response?
If you are not confident about what to say in the above situations or find that you often struggle to respond smoothly, you may be interested in some professional English language training. We offer customised tuition to meet your needs. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.
The London School of English offers high quality English language training for motivated adults from all professional backgrounds. We give you the tools and skills you need to communicate successfully in your field of expertise and to expand your business and career opportunities. Call us on +46 8 5999 4000 or email us at [email protected] for more information about our tailored tuition or simply take our online test to check your English level.