Essential Ski Terms in English for Sports Break

Going skiing over the sports break? Whether you're heading for the slopes or just want to test your English vocabulary, this glossary of essential ski terms should come in handy.
1. Skis - skidor
2. Ski bindings - bindningar
3. Ski boots - pjäxor
4. Helmet - hjälm
5. Ski poles - stavar
6. Ski goggles - skidglasögon
7. Ski pass - liftkort
8. Tissues/Paper handkerchiefs - pappersnäsdukar
9. Lipbalm or lip protection - läppbalsam
10. Sunscreen/Sun cream - solkräm
Ski clothes
11. Ski pants - byxa
12. Ski jacket- jacka
13. Ski gloves - vantar
14. Ski socks – sockar/strumpor
15. Ski underwear /Thermal underwear - underställ
16. Ski underwear pants/ Long johns - underställsbyxa
17. Ski underwear top - underställströja
18. Ski suit – skiddräkt
19. Hot chocolate with whipped cream - varm choklad med vispgrädde
20. Après-ski - international
21. Alpine skiing/Downhill skiing - alpin skidåkning/ utförsåkning
22. Cross country skiing - längdskidåkning
23. Ski slope - skidbacke
24. Snow plough turn - plogsväng
25. Carving – carving
26. Chair lift - sittlift
27. T- bar lift - ankarlift
28. Button lift - knapplift
29. Gondola lift/cable car lift - kabinlift
30. Powder snow - lössnö
31. Slush - blötsnö/slask
32. Moguls/bumps - pucklar
33. Snow cannon - snökanon
34. Avalanche - lavin
Happy skiing!
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