3 powerful reasons for upgrading your English to a more professional level

Whatever your chosen field and wherever your ambitions may lie, it’s no secret that English is the international language of business and academia. English is also the dominant language globally for culture, diplomacy and media, to name but a few.
English opens doors
This is increasingly true as global trade expands every year. English is a must for international business and cooperation and good communication skills are essential for survival and success.
Words are powerful
The way we communicate has a huge impact on our ability to do our work and, ultimately, our success. When you choose the right words, you increase your own influence significantly. The ability to say (or write) what you want to say, rather than just what your English level allows, offers a tremendous career advantage.
3 key reasons for learning professional English
There is a world of difference between basic and professional English and the impression that each creates. Here are 3 powerful reasons for upgrading your English to a more professional level.
1. Clarity
Clear and effective communication involves choosing the right words, not just the ones you happen to know. A higher level of English is a pre-requisite to make your point and communicate your ideas effectively. This applies both to situations where you have time to prepare, such as presentations, and where you don’t, such as unexpected meetings or calls. Professional language training helps you to present information clearly and, just as importantly, to deal with questions effectively.
2. Confidence
Meetings and presentations usually go much better when you project confidence. Ability instils confidence. The converse is also true; insufficient communication skills can undermine or destroy confidence. It can be extremely unsettling if you cannot find the right words, especially if you are used to communicating well in your native tongue. Hesitancy due to language gaps, is often unfairly interpreted as lack of confidence or competence about a subject. The balance of power in any negotiation can also quickly change when you get stuck for words. Professional training gives you the language skills to set the right tone and to deal with whatever curve balls you may be thrown. Training also helps you to start and finish presentations well in English and to link smoothly between different sections.
3. Connection
Building relationships and networking are key in professional development. This is always a lot easier if you can be yourself and speak without hesitation, or worse still, just remain quiet when you cannot find the words. Insufficient language skills can also easily lead to misunderstandings or even to causing offence. Although people expect the odd grammar mistake or mispronunciation when they know that English is not your first language, they are usually less understanding if you use inappropriate language. Failure to use politeness phrases or an appropriate level of formality will also leave an unfavourable impression. English language training gives you the diplomatic language skills you need to apply the right tone, to connect successfully and to build relationships with international colleagues.
Test your skills online
Find out your level of English with the help of our free online test. You can test your general English, your business English, or a mixture of both and receive the result immediately. Do the test here or contact us directly for more information about our professional English language training.
Ultimately: Finally, in the end
Significantly: Importantly, in a way that is easy to see or by a large amount
Impression: An idea or opinion of what something or someone is like Clarity: To be clear
Pre-requisite: Something that must exist or happen before something else can exist or happen
Get stuck: Unable to move, or set in a position, place, or way of thinking
Curve ball: An unexpected problem or difficulty
Undermine: To make someone less confident, less powerful, or to make something weaker
The London School of English offers high quality English language training for motivated adults from all professional backgrounds. We give you the tools and skills you need to communicate successfully in your field of expertise and to expand your business and career opportunities. Call us on +46 8 5999 4000 or email us at [email protected] for more information about our tailored tuition or simply take our online test to check your English level.