Learn Spanish
Times and prices
- Group classes run once a week from 6pm to 8pm for 6 or 7 weeks (depending on the term)
- Individual Tuition to learn at your own pace £60 per hour
- 6-week course (12 hours): £195
- 7-week course (14 hours): £225
- Intensive 6-week (24 hours): £390
Take a look
- Spanish songs, books, and movies are more and more popular. You’ll be able to enjoy these cultural products in their original form and gain a deeper understanding of their nuances.
- If you know or have an interest in other Romance languages like, knowing Spanish will also improve your understanding of Italian, French, Portuguese, and Romanian.
- It is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. It's the second most spoken language by native speakers, and it's the official language in 21 countries.
- It can greatly enhance your travel experience, as it allows you to communicate with locals and immerse yourself in the culture. It is the primary language in many popular travel destinations, including Spain, Mexico, and various countries in Central and South America.
Need to know:
- You need to be 18+ years old to apply
- We use a course book as main guidance for our classes. The course book varies according to the level. Check what you need on the Course Books page.
- We issue a certificate of attendance upon request.
- In case a class needs to be cancelled the recovery class will happen on a Friday of the same term, usually on the same week as the cancelled class.
- For how to book Individual Tuition please check Fees and Offers.

Spanish Course Outline and Levels
Before enrolling on a course read the level outline below and look for the one that best aligns with your current skills and requirements. Remember, there is no perfect level.
Click on the level to explore:
- Prerequisite knowledge needed to enrol in that specific course level.
- What you can expect to achieve through the course.
- The cultural insights and aspects you'll gain.
- A1.0
To join the Spanish level A1.0 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Greetings and farewell
- Formal and Informal forms of addressing people
- Count up to 100
- Spell words
- Ask for personal information
- Give details about yourself
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- The alphabet
- Professions and workplaces
- Adjectives for nationalities
- Use of verbs ser, tener, llamarse in present tense for all personal pronoun (I, You, He/She, We, You, They)
- Recognise genders in Spanish words
- Classroom vocabulary
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Music/dances from Spanish-speaking countries
- Ways of addressing people
Coursebook Units
Aula Internacional Plus 1, Units 0 and 1
- A1.1
To join the Spanish level A1.1 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Conjugation of ser, tener and llamarse in present tense
- The alphabet, sounds and spelling
- Count up to 100
- Differentiate masculine and feminine words
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Say your name and occupation
- Spell words
- Greetings and farewell
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Talk about what you want to do in your free time and why
- Talk about activities you want to do to enhance your Spanish level and why
- Talk about some Spanish-speaking cities and countries
- Express what exists and its location using there is and there are
- Talk about the weather and seasons
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Adjective agreement by gender and number
- Indefinite and definite articles (the, a, etc. )
- Demonstrative articles (this, that, etc.)
- Regular verbs in present tense for all persons
- How to use the verb hay, estar, querer
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Official languages in Spanish-speaking countries
- Basic information about Colombia, Argentina, Mexico
Coursebook Units
Aula Internacional Plus 1, Units 2 and 3
- A1.2
To join the Spanish level A1.2 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Regular verbs in present tense
- Use of the verb hay and estar in present tense
- Use of ser, tener and llamarse in present tense for all persons
- Indefinite and definite articles (the, a, etc. )
- recognise gender and agreeing adjectives
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Ask for and give personal information
- Count up to 100
- Recognise the difference between formal and informal
- Express what exists and its location using there is and there are
- Talk about your free time
- Talk about the weather
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Express what you have to do
- Going shopping: asking for products, about prices
- Express possession
- Talk about preferences, likes and dislikes
- Count up over 100
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Numbers over 100
- Clothes and accessories
- Possessive adjectives
- Verb tener que in present tense
- Verbs about going shopping: ir, llevar and gustar in present tense
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Fashion
- Music
Coursebook Units
Aula Internacional Plus 1, Units 4 and unit 5 up to pg 75 included
- A1.3
To join the Spanish level A1.3 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Use of regular verbs in present tense
- Present tense conjugation of the verbs gustar, hay, estar, querer, tener que, ir
- Numbers
- Possessives (my, yours etc.)
- Articles
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Be able to have a basic interaction in a shop
- Generically talk about places and weather
- Express possession
- Talk about likes and dislikes
- Talk about your free time
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- To talk about family members
- Talk about personality and physical appearance
- Ask and give information about food
- Order in bars and restaurants
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Present tense of irregular verbs
- Verbs related to restaurants such as to bring, to serve, ask for (poner, traer, servir, pedir)
- "Use of direct object personal pronouns for the third person in singular and plural (lo,las,los,la)
- Food and dishes
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Food and dishes in different Spanish-speaking countries
- Eating habits
- Food traditions
Coursebook Units
Aula Internacional Plus 1, Unit 5 from pg 76 to the end and Unit 7
- A1.4
To join the Spanish level A1.4 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Use of verb gustar
- Adjective agreement
- Present tense of regular verbs
- Present tense of irregular verbs
- Possessives
- Use of direct object pronouns in 3rd person singular and plural (lo,la,los,las)
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Talk about personality and appearance
- Express possessions
- Talk about your family
- Talk about food and restaurants
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Talk about your daily routine and habits
- Express frequency: always, never, often, etc
- Talk about villages, neighbourhoods and cities
- Give and ask for directions
- Agree and disagree
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Verbs related to daily routines
- Reflexive verbs in present tense
- Prepositions and adverbs of place
- Quantifiers: some, none
- Adverbs of time (before, after)
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Some neighbourhoods from Madrid
- Coursebook Units
Coursebook Units
Aula Internacional Plus 1, Units 6 and 8
- A1.5
To join the Spanish level A1.5 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Reflexive verbs
- Vocabulary about food and clothes
- Present tense of regular and irregular verbs
- Prepositions of place
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Daily routine habits
- Talk about a city and its neighbourhood
- Give and ask for directions
- Restaurant/shop conversation
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Talk about personal past experiences and preferences using pretérito perfecto
- Talk about skills and aptitudes of people
- Describe people's personalities based on preferences and experiences
- Talk about people, their qualities, abilities and defects
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Préterito perfecto tense
- when to use saber and poder
- Adjectives to describe your personality, and skills
- Difference between presente and pretérito perfecto tenses
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Rural Spain nowadays
Coursebook Units
Aula Internacional Plus 1, Unit 9 and Revision which can be found on pgs from 141 to 203
- A2.0 (Upper-Elementary)
To join the Spanish level A2.0 (Upper-Elementary) course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Present tense of regular and irregular verbs
- The verb gustar
- Some uses of porque, por and para
- Gender and number agreement
- Definite and indefinite articles
- Some common Spanish reflexive verbs such as vestirse, despertarse, levantarse
- Pretérito perfecto tense
- Modal verbs (can, want, must)
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Talk about free time, preferences, likes and dislikes
- Talk about your daily routine
- Talk about family
- Order in a restaurant
- Buying clothes in a shop
- Talk about personality and physical characteristics
- Talk about past experiences
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- talk about habits, tasks and duration of the activities (since, for)
- Talk about difficult or easy tasks in learning a language
- Give recommendations
- Describe feelings
- Talk about achievements
- Explain and connect past events using the pretérito indefinido
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- How to use the verb sentirse to express feelings
- Prepositions desde, desde hace and durante
- Verb costar to express difficulty
- Conjugation and uses of the pretérito indefinido tense for regular verbs
- Rules to conjugate some irregular verbs in the pretérito indefinido tense
- Time markers for the pretérito indefinido tense
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- A Mexican poet, Frida Kahlo and Dali
Coursebook Units
Aula Internacional Plus 2, units 1 and 2
- A2.1
To join the Spanish level A2.1 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Regular and irregular verbs in present tense
- Reflexive verbs
- Prepositions desde, desde hace and durante
- Conjugation and uses of the pretérito indefinido tense for regular verbs
- Time markers for the pretérito indefinido tense
- Modal verbs (can, want, must)
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Talk about and connect past events
- Talk about feelings
- Give recommendations
- talk about habits and duration of an activity
- Talk about difficult or easy tasks in learning a language
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Talk about family and relationships
- Describe likes and preferences while describing and comparing people or things
- Describe objects and locate them in space
- Talk about types of homes, rooms and furniture
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Use of llevarse, parecerse and tener to describe people and relationships
- Definite articles + que
- Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns
- Prepositions and adverbs of location
- Comparatives
- Uses of ser and estar
- Possessive pronouns
- gustar, preferir and encantar
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Day of Reyes Magos
- Living in Madrid
Coursebook Units
Aula Internacional Plus 2, Units 3 and 4
- A2.2
To join the Spanish level A2.2 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Verbs llevarse, parecerse and tener In the context of describing people and relationships
- Definite articles + que
- Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns
- Prepositions and adverbs of location
- Comparatives
- Uses of ser and estar
- Possessive pronouns
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Describe likes and preferences while describing and comparing people or things
- Talk about family and relationships
- Describe objects and locate them in space
- Talk about types of homes, rooms and furniture
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Know what Spanish consider as good manners in specific situations as greetings, introductions, etc.
- Ask for and give permission
- Invite people out, reject invitations. Make excuses and justify them.
- Speak in a formal and informal register
- Talk about cultural events, places to visit
- Talk about the intention or desire of doing an activity
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Verbs related to politeness poder, importar, ayudar
- Comparison between the pretérito perfecto tense and pretérito indefinido
- Adverbs still and already
- ir a + infinitive
- Present continuous: to be + present participle (-ing form)
- Querer, pensar + infinitive
- Verb parecer
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Going out in Mexico city and San Sebastián
- the capital of Perú, Lima
Coursebook Units
Aula Internacional Plus 2, Units 5 and 6
- A2.3
To join the Spanish level A2.3 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Verbs related to politeness (poder, importar, ayudar)
- Contrast between pretérito perfecto and pretérito indefinido
- Comparatives
- Querer, pensar, ir a + infinitive
- Present continuous
- ser vs estar
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Ask for and give permission
- Invite people out. Reject invitations. Make excuses and justify them.
- Speak in formal and informal register
- Talk about the intention or desire of doing an activity
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Talk about tastes and eating habits
- Follow or give a recipe, weights and measures
- Talk about habits and customs in the past
- Talk about meals, traditions and habits in present
- Compare actions in the past and present
- Debate your points, ideas
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Personal pronouns of direct objects
- Impersonal forms with se
- Some uses of ser and estar
- Verb soler + infinitive
- The pretérito imperfecto tense
- Time markers for the pretérito imperfecto
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
History, customs and society in Spanish speaking countries
Coursebook Units
Aula Internacional Plus 2, units 7 and 9
- A2.4
To join the Spanish level A2.4 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- verb soler + infinitive
- Pretérito imperfecto tense
- Time markers for the pretérito imperfecto tense
- Impersonal forms with se
- Direct object pronouns
- Present continuous
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Talk about meals, traditions and habits in the present
- Talk about habits and customs in the past
- Debate your points
- Express intensions and desires
- Compare actions in the past and in the present
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Tell stories from the past
- Sequencing actions
- Describe past memories
- Talk about historical events
- Describe medical symptoms and problems
- Give advice
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Irregular forms of pretérito indefinido
- Contrast between the pretérito indefinido and pretérito imperfecto
- Past forms of estar + gerundio(- ing form)
- Verb doler
- Some uses of the imperativo afirmativo
- Body parts
- Health and sport
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- different gestures and their meaning
Coursebook Units
Aula Internacional Plus 2, Units 10 and 8
- B1.0 (Upper Pre-Intermediate)
To join the Spanish level B1.0 (Upper Pre-Intermediate) course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Pretérito indefinido tense
- Pretérito imperfecto tense
- Impersonal forms with se
- Direct object pronouns
- Present continuous
- ir a + infinitive
- Differences between and uses of ser and estar
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Talk about meals, traditions and habits in the present
- Talk about habits and customs in the past
- Debate your points
- Express intensions and desires
- Compare actions in the past and in the present
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Express an obligation
- Express prohibition
- Give your opinion and advice
- Talk about your personal and professional life, now and before
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- The structure of lo normal/lo habitual/lo raro + infinitive
- verb soler + infinitive
- impersonal forms with se to express prohibition and permission
- estar + past participle
- Verbal structure with infinitive and with -ing form
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Customs in Colombia
Coursebook Units
Aula Internacional Plus 3, Units 1 and 2
- B1.1
To join the Spanish level B1.1 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- The structure of lo normal/lo habitual/lo raro + infinitve
- verb soler + infinitive
- impersonal forms with se to express prohibition and permission
- estar + participio
- Verbal structures with infinitive and -ing form
- Pretérito indefinido and imperfecto tense
- Direct object pronouns
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Express an obligation
- Express prohibition
- Give your opinion and advice
- Debate your points
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Talk about future situations and plans
- Express hypothesis about future situations
- Tell a story in present tense
- Recount a film
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Regular and irregular verbs in futuro simple
- Posiblemente, supongo que + futuro simple
- Markers used with the future tense
- Quantifiers: cada vez más/cada vez menos
- si+ present and future
- Direct and indirect object pronouns
- Some connectors used in narratives
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Two classic Argentinian films
Coursebook Units
Aula Internacional Plus 3, Units 3 and 4
- B1.2
To join the Spanish level B1.2 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Regular and irregular verbs in futuro simple
- Direct and indirect object pronouns
- Si+ present and future.
- Quantifiers: cada vez más/cada vez menos
- Verbal Structure with infinitive and -ing form
- impersonal forms with se
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Talk about future situations and plans
- Express hypothesis about future situations
- Tell a story in present tense
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Give instructions
- Give commands
- Describe an advert
- Express dissatisfaction and complaints
- Propose solutions to a problem
- Write an open letter to complain about a particular issue
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Some uses of positive and negative imperative
- Where to place both direct and indirect object pronouns when using the imperative
- Subjunctive in present tense
- Expressions with subjunctive or with infinitive
- Cuando + subjunctive
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Advertising and influencers in Spain
- Who are the indigenous people of America
Coursebook Units
Aula Internacional Plus 3, Units 5 and 6
- B1.3
To join the Spanish level B1.3 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Some uses of positive and negative imperativo
- Where to place both direct and indirect object pronouns when using the imperative
- Subjunctive in present tense
- When to use subjunctive or infinitive
- Cuando + subjunctive
- Regular and irregular verbs in futuro simple
- Si+ present and future.
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Give instructions
- Give commands
- Propose solutions to a problem
- Talk about future situations and plans
- Express hypothesis about future situations
- To complain
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Answer to phone calls
- Leave and take messages on different media outlets
- Pass on messages to other people- formal and informal register
- Transmitting orders, requests and advice- formal and informal register
- Express feelings and interests in a specific situation
- Show disagreement using different registers
- Counter argue a point
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Reported speech
- Verbs pedir and preguntar
- Structures with a verb + subjunctive, +indicative or + a noun to express feelings and opinions
- Que+ adverb, noun or adjective
- Expressions to show disagreement
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Cultural differences in certain situations such as leaving a note for someone, ways of expressing feelings, etc
Coursebook Units
Aula Internacional Plus 3, units 7 and 9
- B1.4
To join the Spanish level B1.4 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Reported speech
- Verbs pedir and preguntar
- Structures with a verb + subjunctive, indicative or a noun to express feelings and opinions
- uses of positive and negative imperative with pronouns
- Regular and irregular verbs in futuro simple
- Pretérito indefinido and imperfecto
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Leave and take messages on different media outlets
- Pass on messages to other people- formal and informal register
- Express feelings and interests in a specific situation
- Give instructions and commands
- Express hypothesis about future situations
- Show disagreement using different registers
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Tell an anecdote in the past
- Explain reasons for and consequences of an action in the past
- Describe how an object works and give your opinion
- Grade your opinion using superlative adjectives
- Express the reasons and consequences of an action in the past
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- The Pluscuamperfecto tense
- Use of all tenses in Indicativo when telling a story (presente + pretérito perfecto, indefinido, imperfecto and pluscuamperfecto)
- Relative clauses using a preposition
- Relative clauses with subjunctive or indicative
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Tourist destinations in Colombia
- Different designers and fashion in Spanish-speaking countries
Coursebook Units
Aula Internacional Plus 3, Units 8 and 10
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