Everything you need to know about Cambridge exams
We run four Cambridge exam preparation courses throughout the year and they are very popular options for our clients. We are often asked about these courses by clients so we have created a summary page on our website, which we thought might be useful for you too. You might like to take a look at the video of our Courses Managers, Shirley and Ben,explaining the differences and benefits of each exam.
Everything you need to know about Cambridge examination
Blog posts written by our Cambridge exam trainers
- FCE and CAE
- BEC Vantage and BEC Higher
Please remember that places are limited and the start dates are fast approaching.
FCE : 20 October 2014 (8 weeks)
CAE : 20 October 2014 (8 weeks)
BEC Vantage : 3 November 2014 (4 weeks)
BEC Higher : 20 October 2014 (4 weeks)
If you have any clients who are interested in joining one of our Cambridge exam preparation courses, please book soon to avoid any disappointment.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.