EFU: The Research Project part 2
This week Andy catches up with Ben and Kaita as they look back on the English for University research project. After undertaking such a big amount of work, they certainly had a lot to say!
A few weeks ago I told you about the research project that my English for University students were taking part in. This involved a lot of hard work on the part of my students and now the projects are completed, I sat down with Ben from Taiwan and Kaita from Japan.
So Kaita, did you enjoy doing the research project?
Yes, I enjoyed it, because in normal life it’s very difficult to have this kind of experience, to make a questionnaire and to get answers. It was a very good experience for me because maybe someday I will need to do these kinds of things because I want to work in marketing.
And Ben, how did you find the interviewing process?
I think it was quite useful even though I noticed that there were some failures with my questionnaires. Just as Kaita says, it’s quite useful, you know, as after I graduate I want to work and I think this is important and it’s different from what I’ve done before. This is the first time I’ve done a questionnaire and analysed the data.
And did you get any interesting data from the questionnaires?
Yeah! As I wrote in my essay, as people get older, they want to work individually.
That’s interesting, and what about you Kaita?
Yes, but I feel that I needed to modify my questionnaire. I found that I should have added this question or that question … but there were some good things that I found.
Do you think your writing has improved by doing the essay?
Kaita: Yes, probably, because I didn’t have much knowledge of how to write, especially in British universities or colleges, so before I took this course I had no idea how to write but I have this knowledge now so I feel more confident.
Ben: When I was a university I student I did some essays, but usually it was as part of a team. So one person would do the introduction, one person would do the main body, another would do the conclusion and so on. So even though I have done this before, I didn’t know the whole process – I usually focussed on one part, but this is the first time I’ve done every part and in English! So I think it’s quite useful as I want to do an MA in the UK.
Well, that’s what we hope for. Finally, what advice would you give to any student who is thinking of doing the EfU course?
K: I think it’s important to take it seriously, because if you take it seriously you will improve. I think it’s very difficult to find this kind of opportunity in normal life, so it’s better to take it seriously.
B: Well, I think most people are like me in that they don’t enjoy studying or doing homework but even though in the future you need it, I think you have to make up your mind to take it seriously as Kaita said. I think motivation is important since if you know you are taking an MA you need to know what it’s going to be like. You have to face the music, and the school offers us the skills we need.
Thank you.
By Andy
to catch up with - (phr.v.) to bring somebody up to date on something
to undertake - (v.) to do something which is quite difficult or time-consuming
to take part in - (phr.v.) to participate
on the part of - (fixed expression) similar to "on behalf of" or from
to sit down with - (phr.v.) informal expression meaning to have a short, informal conversation
to face the music - (idiom) to accept responsibilty for something which is usually negative
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